"Investment Neighbor YouTube Ad" is an animation that was created for both my Motion Graphics class as well as being for my group's business client in our Seminar class.
"Spaghetti Bolognese" is a real recipe. The cooking/food facts in the video are 100% real. Feel free to try it and let me know what you think. The main animation was created in Adobe After Effects while the lip syncing was done using Adobe Character.
"Bot Business" is a character animation created for a Motion Graphics class. The assignment was to create a short story and for the character to express a change of emotional state.
"Lifecycle of the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid" was created for The Tiny Terrors Citizen Science Project, as part of the Alliance for Saving Threatened Forests. The purpose was to demonstrate the lifecycle of the hemlock woolly adelgid which is an invasive species of bug that steals nutrients from hemlock trees, causing them to die. It is extremely small and thus difficult to film long term, hence the need for animation. It was part of a campaign to raise awareness of the parasitic species in the hopes of locating trees that display a resistance to the adelgid which could then spread into areas heavily effected by the bug.
"Cold Blooded Killers" is a "motion comic" based upon a short story by an online author writing under the pseudonym Patricia Stewart. A pair of students in Bowie State's Drama program assisted me by first posing for each of the scenes and then voicing their characters. The environment and backgrounds were created using a combination of Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. The monster was created using the species creator feature from the video game Sporeā¢.
This is a re-imagined version of a credits sequence for the 1999 film "The Matrix," hence the title "Matrix Re-imagined." I wanted to express iconic scenes from the film but I decided to limit myself to visuals that had been shown in trailers, so no spoilers.